Since my computer was down for 2 1/2 weeks, I feel like I'm playing catch up this week. It's amazing how once we were all perfectly content without the Internet, and now, we don't know what to do when we can't surf. After pilfering through my 250 emails, and catching up on my usual sites, I decided to sit down and write. The guys are out swimming at Mam-maw's and it's quiet. Just me and the animals doing laundry and picking up from a weeks' worth of overactive lives leaving their mark on our dwelling.
It's been quite busy in the Newcomer household...where does one start? The first catastrophic event was Alex accidentally whacking his younger brother, Andrew, in the head with a golf club. Of course, I was inside at the time, and Alex runs in crying and yelling babble about blood and an eye out. I follow him outside to discover my 5 year old screaming and holding a wound which is pouring blood onto the concrete driveway. Honestly, my first instinct was to pray, and loudly; secondly, to figure out where the blood is coming from...his eye, his head, his hand? I moved his blood-soaked hand and realized, thank God, that it was his temple, not his eye that was cut. I yelled to get my neighbor, Julie, who is an RN, and ran inside to get a rag to soak up some of the blood running out of his head like a garden hose. Like a pro, Julie runs over barefoot and dressed in her work clothes, scoops Andrew up and stops the bleeding. She was so awesome in calming us all down, especially Andrew, and took us to the emergency room. Andrew got the surgical-glue treatment, which is so much better than stitches, and was sent home like nothing had happened. It took me until the next afternoon to get over it....my insides were still shaking! I had Alex water-hose the driveway down...I just couldn't look at the blood. Of course, Andrew is fine, and at school, he proudly presented his battle wound to his classroom. Kids are so resilient!
Since this post is mostly about Andrew, I must mention that his 6th birthday was Saturday! We had family and neighbors over for a cookout. Happy Birthday, my big, tough guy! I love you!