Saturday, November 22, 2008

Opening old wounds...

Technology is amazing! People from the past just suddenly reappear thanks to the invention of cyberspace! Recently, I just reconnected with a childhood friend on Facebook. Although it was so awesome to reminisce, it was also painful. This friend's mother was one of my mother's dearest friends and so we grew up together. Being three years older and a dorky kid, I always felt like an ugly duckling besides this beautiful, blue-eyed blond. Years later, two more sisters arrived and mimicked the older one's good looks. My mother and I always thought the blond-haired mom and her three mini-me's reminded us of a mama duck with her three ucklings...each one cuter than the next...following their mama home. Then tragedy struck...the mama duck was murdered and the three ducklings went to live with other relatives. To this day, that funeral was the most horrific and devastating one I'd ever been to...and my own father is deceased. I will never forget it.

As the story goes, my mother lost touch and we always wondered about the beautiful ducklings. Thanks to Facebook, I found the oldest duckling and made a connection. We have since spoken to each other 3 times! I am so happy to hear how the beautiful girls have found their way, their passion and their lives in California. Opening up old wounds this week has also led to some profound discoveries. Closure was needed to end this tragedy, but it desperately needed a happy one. I so despise sad endings! Thankfully, this story has both, and my old wounds are healing. The mama duckling is smiling from heaven, beckoning me with her spirit..."Love my girls", she whispers. "I will. I will." I answer. The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was sweet...Mom