Sunday, October 5, 2008

If You Call My Name

The Lord is good! Sarah did great in the debates and held her own. She's got on her spiritual armor, and even though the liberal media and dysfunctional Hollywood elite keep trying to attack her, those arrows are bouncing right off. So bring it on world...the battle has just begun.

Today was such an awesome day! Worship at church today was so filled with the Holy Spirit that I left there with such gladness and peace; with such a humble spirit before the Lord. Even at a child's birthday party today, I had a conversation with a father so passionate for the Lord and our country. Lately, I am meeting more and more people with such a passion to speak out for Christ and to save our country. We talked about how we need more Christians to boldly and earnestly stand on the Word Of God. Here stood a very successful business man, an educated man, a wealthy man, and yet his first love isn't what the world has to offer but only God's truth. This is a man to whom heads would turn and ears would listen. We need more like him, I decided, and will pray for his calling.

Another encounter recently confirmed what I've been we need a rival of sorts...not just a "Come to Jesus" meeting but a "Put on your spiritual armour because it's about to get ugly" meeting. I recently met a new lady in my bible study that literally packed up her family, quit her job, sold all she had because the Lord told her to move to Texas. I listened intently to her testimony of growing up in California (a Godless place, she claims) and feeling a sense of despair and longing so strong that she could only obey God's voice. As she spoke of how different her life has been living in Texas, what she called God's country, I felt so blessed to live and raise my children in a State that still holds so strongly to it's roots. Even though I look around me and see destruction, I am finding that there are more lovers of the truth than there are haters. For that I am so thankful; it gives my soul rest knowing God's people are my neighbors. That they are on their knees praying for the very things I am; that my passion is not in vain.

Take my tile guy. This is a guy I got out of the phone book to rebuild our master shower and Rod and I have had the most amazing conversations with him about the Lord. He has become an instant friend, something that can only happen when there is a spiritual connection, and I am so proud that God brought him into our lives!

I am so thankful; my joy is overflowing; my heart is full. God is Good!

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